Sunday, 23 March 2008

The Really Super Big Breakfast

This is crazy! You won't believe it! I woke up. C had gone jogging and I waited. Later, she came home. I ate one fishcake she bought and she gave me about four pratas! Later, after I finished my breakfast, she gave me more. My leftover birthday cake. Plus a cup of milk! I could hardly walk. Never had I eaten before such a big breakfast! But of course... now I feel better, ha ha!


Snow said...

Seems like C is really determined to go for jogging regularly! So nice to have a great breakfast after getting up from slumber.

s said...

hey georgie!!!!
guess who this is??? haha. i'm writing this from the 21st floor of a skyscraper in the heart of beijing.

been trying to leave u a msg becos in china the internet content is heavily censored and so are blogs! in fact, i cannot even access mine now! i miss all my little cousins so desperately and if u go to 4-yee's house, pls give the 4 babes a tight squeeze and loud smooch on their hairy/hairless head.

and send my hugs to HW and SW. i miss all of u and may not see u all till next yr i think.

write to me all the family stories if u can. my email is

so write now, ok!

the other 's'

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Câmera Digital, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

George Ring said...

( To Snowy )

Do you like jogging? Is C your friend? I've already knew your secret ID.

George Ring said...

( To mysterious S )

My name's george, not georgie. And how do I know you? I'm in Singapore and you're in China. And what house are you talking about? Once again, I think you got it wrong. YOU'VE GOT THE WRONG PERSON! What babes? In NY, USA, where! Stop getting yourself confused.