Friday, 2 May 2008

Beware Of The Hot Sun!

Hey, it's so hot these days, right? Be careful if the sun makes your head full of pressure! If that happens, you'll have high chances of having a headache! Some people can bear it, but some cannot. If you're those that cannot, better stay in cool places, like a place with an air- con! So better watch out.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

Let's Celebrate Labour Day!

Labour Day is sooo good. No school, no working constructions to disturb you, no teachers to make you copy words. That kind of day is sooo good. How I wish it's forever. If YOU want to celebrate labour day, just stop working. Don't do anything.... for it's time to relax. Not even washing plates..........

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Magic Station: The Line Of Illusion

Hey, buddy. Come and read a simple illusion trick if you're bored. Come! Well, first, you draw two lines that are the same length. Like this:

Then, draw two arrows at each side of each line. But one line's arrow must be in diffrent direction! Follow this if you don"t understand:

Hey! Why does it seem on this line it's longer on that arrow, but that line is longer on that arrow? Draw in your papers and you'll see why!

Sunday, 27 April 2008

More Spaghetti Tonight

Spaghetti was mentioned weeks and weeks ago, right? Now today it's back. More strands of SPAGHETTI are back. Mixed with sauce and meat. Almost enough to feed 10 people. Also with pieces of bacon. Wanna try? As everybody knows, no one can resist the famous spaghetti............ until you drool.