Saturday, 5 April 2008

Maths Day Magic ( Junior )

Hey, I'm back. So guys, do you like magic? I'm going to teach you a few real magic tricks with the power of maths. that's what I learnt in 9 centuries ago. First trick. You need a pencil, a piece of paper, and a calculator which is optional. First step. Write down number 9 on the piece of paper then underneath, in a column, write the mutiples of 9. That will be, 9 mutiplied by 2, by three and so on, until 9 multiplied by 10. Draw a line underneath the figures. Second step. Add all the numbers together and you should have got the answer 495. Add these digits together, 4 + 9 + 5 = 18! - and by adding 1 + 8, you get 9! Spooky nine. Second Trick. You will need a plastic bottle with the cap, and a packet of chilli sauce! First step. Fill the plastic bottle with water. Make sure the chilli sauce has air. Drop the packet of chilli sauce into the plastic bottle. It'll float, right? Now, how do I get the chilli sauce to sink? Turn it the other way? No. Second step. The solution is squeeze the plastic bottle! It'll sink! You, see once again we're using mass- the power of maths. Stay tuned for more.

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