Saturday, 22 March 2008

Happy Birthday Happiness

My birthday had just passed. Let me tell you what happened. I woke up in the morning. It was a surprise. CW was holding a * BB in her hands. '' Happy Birthday! '' Poor HW took his few cents to buy me a present. A Power Rangers cake was in front of me. Then, W and C gave me each a present. Awesome! But where did they hide it? One was wrapped in clear plastic, and one in a Popular bag. It was a MONOPOLY game and one was two of the latest Mr Midnight books. I thanked them and ate a mouthful of cake. Oh! Almost forgot! HW used his money to buy a Power Rangers Mask. Thanks! Also, another present from W, two years subscription to Readers Digest. My beloved PP gave me another copy of Mr Midnight. That night, I also celebrated at K Box. But it cost a bomb!


Anonymous said...

WOW i can see that you enjoy your birthday very much (:
Where's the birthday cake i want to eat some

George Ring said...

It's not your birthday. You can wait.